Description:This first book aims to start a second line of books related to the following statement: "YOU WILL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE."
The mission and purpose of this new line of books is to develop different fronts and topics that will have great relevance and impact on our lives.
The book you are about to read has the power to demolish and blow up your entire core of beliefs and convictions. Believe me, once you finish this book, you will not be the same person. The topic we are going to address here is one of the main reasons that have forged the chains and shackles that keep us enslaved, disabled in vision, dependent, and even depressed or downtrodden generation after generation. Stealing from us at every moment and instant our economic well-being, our emotional well-being, our integrity, and sometimes our dignity. All this while it develops so close to us and so blatantly that once the veil that does not let you see has fallen, your stomach will shrink.
Drop by drop, our environment, whether known or unknown, has influenced us for so long and so repeatedly that we have lost all CLARITY OF PERCEPTION. This impeccably engineered manipulation has gone so far that our ability to see reality or be aware of the truth and discern has been completely distorted.
Information is power. We cannot continue to be puppets constantly manipulated for the benefit and whim of external interests.