Educational Entrepreneurship and curriculum

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Educational Entrepreneurship and curriculum
Entrepreneurship and curriculum
    Higher education in recent decades with challenges and issues such as virtual classes, global communication, global economy, collaborative classes, customer or audience rights movement, intertwined learning, experience-based education, learning organization, borderless education, localization and responding to needs. local and regional issues and these issues have caused higher education systems to try to redefine, revise, modify and change their missions, goals and processes, and in this redefinition, put quality as the main focus of their activities. Based on this, adherence to quality standards and continuous improvement of the quality of higher education should be considered one of the fundamental priorities of all higher education systems. Currently, educational entrepreneurship has become one of the most important and broad challenges and activities of schools, universities and higher education centers. Today, entrepreneurship has been identified as a scientific field and entrepreneurs must acquire knowledge related to it like all other scientific fields. Entrepreneurship education refers to a wide range of competencies and capabilities to learn entrepreneurial skills. In this type of education, it is emphasized that according to the changing conditions of the local, national and global society and the speed of changes, people should learn how to behave entrepreneurially throughout their lives. Entrepreneurs are usually two groups; A group who become entrepreneurs as a result of experience and growth in a favorable environment, and a group who learn the entrepreneurial process with the necessary training. Experiential entrepreneurship usually takes place through placing a person in creative environments and even in some cases without an academic education. The study of various educational systems and their successful experiences shows that through effective formal and informal curricula, the knowledge, attitude and ability necessary for entrepreneurship can be created in people. This requires a deep and accurate understanding of the concept of educational entrepreneurship, drawing appropriate perspectives and horizons, encouraging mental creativity, sociability and sociability, training to deal realistically with the opportunities and threats facing entrepreneurship, and strengthening the spirit of hope and risk-taking through educational and curriculum programs. Educational entrepreneurship as identifying educational challenges and needs and creating job opportunities in the field of education is the main topic of this book. This book was written based on the title of the educational entrepreneurship course of the master's degree in educational sciences and has seven chapters. In the first chapter, the concept of work, work culture and injuries related to unemployment, in the second chapter, the concept of entrepreneurship, in the third chapter, career path planning, in the fourth chapter, entrepreneurship education, in the fifth chapter, educational entrepreneurship, required characteristics and skills, as well as ideas Related to educational entrepreneurship has been discussed and analyzed. Considering the importance and role of the curriculum in entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial curriculum is discussed in the sixth chapter and examples of entrepreneurial curriculum are introduced at the end in the seventh chapter of the book.

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