Tendency to tattoos

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Tendency to tattoos
Investigating the causes, complications and damage of tattoos Physically, mentally and socially
    The essence of this content and research has been compiled and presented in the form of graphic slides in the popular PowerPoint program, and due to the importance of the topic, it was decided to re-edit this content as a booklet for publishing on the nftbooks blockchain platform and prepare it for publishing on this powerful platform. It should be noted that this booklet is only published on the nftbooks platform, and its publication on behalf of any publisher or online platform reserves the right to pursue legal action for its author. In the hope of a day when the copyright of authors' works will be respected all over the world. Let it be counted and the doors of science and literature will be opened more and more to the world. If you need the graphic file of this research, contact the author of the work through the comment portal of the platform so that the desired file will be available to those interested.
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