King of the Ferns

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King of the Ferns
The Australian Staghorn Fern Experience
    King of the Ferns is a quick ‘ready reference’ of tried and tested techniques to help Staghorn enthusiasts successfully grow Platycerium from spore through to adult." A lot has been written about all of the 18 known species throughout the world, generally snippets here and there, or books touching on each of these species; however, no one has previously written specifically about our Australian staghorn. This book King of the Ferns takes a deep dive in a conversational manner, throughout the fern life cycle, specifically looking at Platycerium superbum the Australian staghorn. This book has been written to acknowledge our Australian staghorn being Platycerium superbum; however, also includes the rest of our four Australian species of Platycerium. King of the Ferns is also extremely useful for growing and looking after each of the 18 known Platycerium species. 216 pages and over 150 photos, the book has been produced in full gloss and has been strongly recommended as a must-read for Platycerium lovers. I hope you will enjoy King of the Ferns, The Australian Staghorn Fern Experience.
    10 - ~

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