Losses of Prestress Force

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Losses of Prestress Force
Losses of Prestress Force
    losses in prestress force have a large effect on the performance of prestressed members during service period, and it plays a vital role in the design of the member. Prestress losses could be calculated and allowed in the design, and their effect could be minimized through careful selection of the proper materials. Loss of prestress can be characterized as that due to instantaneous loss and time-dependent loss. Losses due to anchorage set, friction and elastic shortening are instantaneous. Losses due to creep, shrinkage and relaxation are time-dependent. Loss of prestress can be characterized as that due to instantaneous loss and time-dependent loss. Losses due to anchorage set, friction and elastic shortening are instantaneous. Losses due to creep, shrinkage and relaxation are time-dependent.
    25 - 100

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