NFTBS Whitepaper

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NFTBS Whitepaper
A Project about NFT for ebooks
    Cheaper to Cheapest: Bringing everything for free is not necessarily good. Nftbooks will build a ecosystem that brings the best value to readers. We think it's perfectly reasonable to pay for what we use. We created a tiered model. This has made the competition on the levels more obvious, and it is the reader who benefits the most from this competition. Fair Share to everyone: NFTBooks we believe in fairness. Only those who are willing to share what they have with others can receive the value they deserve. - If you have the money, you will become an investor by simply buying NFTBooks. - If you have books, magazines, newspapers, you can become an author by publishing your work. - If you want to invest in a long-term and sustainable way, buy books on sale and rent them, or you can transfer (sell) the books to someone else. - If you want to read a book, you only need to spend a very small amount (estimated $0.001 to $0.00001) to borrow. - For those who share their work and knowledge with NFTBooks, we've created an architecture to increase their wealth with a passive and perpetual revenue model. This way, NFTBooks and all its characters can smoothly operate together in, it’s own ec
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